Channel: i Love Shelling » Lined Tree Snail
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Positively Perfect Paradise


sanibel melon rough scallop

Nothing starts the holiday season better than finding a positively perfect pumpkin ROUGH SCALLOP. Ooooh… I loooove to find ROUGH SCALLOPS with the “wings” still in tact and especially in a solid color…like pumpkin.

rough scallop melon color

 The pumpkin SCALLOP wasn’t the only thing to make the day positively perfect, I saw my friends “The Carolina Girls” on the beach at Island Inn. Remember these cutie pies? They were part of the first Shellabaloo at the Island Inn last January. We had so much fun at the Shellabaloo, they wanted to come back! Here are the nicest (and craziest!) gals you’ll ever want to meet- Helen, Carol, Jackie, Karen and Kathy…

carolina girls shell sanibel florida

Karen found this awesome ALPHABET CONE… to go with the other 2 she found as well. Wow!

alphabet cone karen sanibel

Here are some of their favorite finds of the late afternoon low tide shelling

favorite shells from sanibel

The Carolina Girls brought a newbie sheller (Carol) with them this time and it seems she caught on to this shelling thing pretty quickly. They told her what to look for and she quickly pulled out an ALPHABET CONE and said “is this a good one?” Ha! They couldn’t believe it! Carol went right out and bought a shadowbox to frame for her newly found Sanibel shell. Here’s Carol with her trophy and Karen with her own ALPHABET CONE (in addition to the others!) and a KINGS CROWN.

carol karen i love shelling sanibel

Carol also found these beautiful LINED TREE SNAILS (land snails) near the pathway to the beach at Island Inn. I don’t see these very often- they are so pretty!

lined tree snail sanibel Drymaeus multilineatus

I saw this BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER running along the shoreline. Errrrr… Hey buddy, did you lose your “black belly”? LOL I found out that adult non-breeding BLACK- BELLIED PLOVERS don’t have a back belly. hmmmm Wouldn’t have been nicer (and more inclusive) if they had name them the “BLACK-BEAKED PLOVER” or something like that? Oh well, you are what you are I guess.

black-bellied plover adult non-breeding sanibel


It was a positively perfect day in paradise finding a pumpkin SCALLOP and hanging with the nicest peeps on the planet- The Carolina Girls.

island inn sanibel sunset

sunset sanibel shell reflection

Don’t miss  Shellabaloo 4 at the Island Inn January 6-9 to make memories for a life time. For more info CLICK HERE

shelling adventures trips by pam

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